Summer Ag Academy
The Summer Ag Academy is a free, immersive career exploration experience in food science, animal science, and international trade. Participants will be exposed to world-class professionals, facilities, and activities.
The Summer Ag Academy is a free, immersive career exploration experience in food science, animal science, and international trade. Participants will be exposed to world-class professionals, facilities, and activities.
Mark your calendars for November 14, 2025, for the Northern Crops Institute’s Ancient Grains Conference! This conference will be held at the Peltier Complex on the campus of North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND, and aims to provide an educational and promotional setting to explore the characteristics and utilization of Ancient Grains.
The Next Five Years is an executive conference focused on major shifts happening in the agricultural market place and how they will impact agriculture and consumers from the region to international market place. The focus is to not look at this growing season, nor to look at where agriculture and surrounding markets may be in the next ten years or more, but how things might change and how those impacts will change how we do business locally and globally.
The Biofuels Tour will provide attendees with an introduction into the agricultural foundations of the biofuels industry, from farm to product and everything in between. Participants will have the opportunity to speak directly with farmers and leaders in the industry along with touring agricultural plots, farms, and processing facilities.
Mark your calendars for June 25, 2024, for the Northern Crops Institute’s Ancient Grains Conference! This conference will be held at the Peltier Complex on the campus of North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND, and aims to provide an educational and promotional setting to explore the characteristics and utilization of Ancient Grains.
The Next Five Years is an executive conference focused on major shifts happening in the agricultural market place and how they will impact agriculture and consumers from the region to international market place.
Mark your calendars for July 25, 2023, for the Northern Crops Institute’s Ancient Grains Conference! This conference will be held at the Oliver Kelley Farm in Elk River, MN.
The Northern Crops Institute (NCI) is hosting a two-day export tour in Minneapolis, Minnesota from July 12-13. The tour provides an excellent opportunity for those involved in agriculture to visit the grain export facilities in Minneapolis. Participants will have the opportunity to tour the BNSF Hump Yard, meet with international trading companies, and see several scenic sites in Minneapolis, MN.
Mark your calendars for September 12, 2022, for the Northern Crops Institute’s Next 5 Years Conference! This conference will be held at the Armory Event Center in Moorhead, MN.
Mark your calendars for July 20th, 2022, for the Northern Crops Institute’s Ancient Grains Conference! This conference will be held at the Oliver Kelley Farm in Elk River, MN.
The Ancient Grains Conference aims to provide an educational and promotional setting to explore the characteristics and utilization of Ancient Grains.
More details to come!
The Northern Crops Institute (NCI) is hosting a two-day export tour in Duluth, Minnesota from June 20-21. The tour provides an excellent opportunity for those involved in agriculture to visit the grain export facilities in Duluth and experience in person how grains from the Northern Great Plains are handled and shipped to destinations around the world. Participants will have the opportunity to tour the Duluth Superior Port Authority, container and rail yards, grain terminal, see several scenic sites in Duluth, MN.