Exploring Markets for Kernza® Perennial Grain with Riley Gordon, Jason Robinson and Connie Carlson
About the Webinar.
Please join us Wednesday, November 10th at 9:30am (CST) for our "Cereal Innovators" webinar series! This interactive webinar series focuses on new and unique ways to use cereal grains. Topics throughout the series include new processes, useful information on milling and baking, equipment information, and uses for cereal grains grown in MN, ND, SD, and MT. A new speaker will be featured each month.
This month will feature Riley Gordon, Engineer at AURI, Jason Robinson, Business Development Director - Food at AURI and Connie Carlson, Market Opportunity Development Specialist at Forever Green Initiative, an UMN Extension. Some key topics that will be discussed during their hour-long webinar include:
Kernza® perennial grain is a new domesticated grain introduced by The Land Institute that is now being developed for commercial use. It originates from a forage grass called intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) and is a cousin of wheat. In 2019, the University of Minnesota released its first named Kernza® variety: MN-Clearwater.
As a perennial crop Kernza® offers year-round soil cover, helping farmers reduce soil erosion and protect streams, lakes and groundwater from potential contamination.
The Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI) and University of Minnesota Forever Green Initiative are part of efforts to identify and test new commercial uses for Kernza, and will provide an overview of the crop, its potential uses, and ongoing efforts to develop new markets for this emerging cereal crop.
And more!
So, mark your calendars! You won’t want to miss this webinar!
About the Speakers.
Riley Gordon | Engineer at AURI
Riley Gordon
Riley Gordon graduated with honors from Brandon University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics (Mathematics minor) in the spring of 2014. Then, in 2017 he completed a degree program at the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities, obtaining a Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering with Environmental Emphasis in water related topics. Coinciding with his time at the U of M, Riley interned with a Civil Engineering consulting firm, working in both Intelligent Transportation Systems and Water Resources groups.
As an engineer, Riley will be applying the skills he gained through both his education and related industry experience to assist in AURI’s broad range of projects and initiatives. He primarily works out of the Coproducts lab in Waseca, MN, but will also apply his skillsets by delving into projects related to all four of the focus areas that encompass AURI’s work.
Riley is originally from Brandon, Manitoba, Canada.
Jason Robinson | Business Development Director- Food at AURI
Jason Robinson
Jason co-leads the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute’s (AURI) food program as a Director – Business Development, Food. As one of the first AURI contacts with food clients, he works to translate their needs to specific action-oriented problem statements and matches them with AURI’s expertise and infrastructure. He is skilled at providing food startups with the tools to build a sustainable business model, including definition of their defensibly unique value proposition and product, process, and packaging development technical expertise. Additionally, Jason creates and executes public domain initiatives focused on transforming Minnesota’s rich agricultural products into sustainable food businesses through science.
After a long career in corporate research and development at General Mills, Jason has significant technical expertise in consumer-focused product, process, and package development, including cost reduction, scaleup and commercialization, and application of consumer trends. He routinely advises businesses on food packaging materials, sensory evaluation and testing protocols, shelf life optimization, food safety and regulatory compliance, and effective consumer communication for new products.
Jason is a big picture thinker with expertise in drawing clarity from ambiguity. As an experienced engineer, he is trained to solve technical problems using a scientific approach and critical thinking, and has evolved as a skilled speaker, panel host, and focus group moderator. He is also a mentor and teacher, passionate about finding new ways the food industry can help solve global problems.
Jason is a certified ScrumMaster, Executive Board Member of the Plant Protein Innovation Center at the University of Minnesota, and a member of the Upcycled Foods Association Certification and Standards Committee. Jason earned an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Connie Carlson | Market Opportunity Development Specialist at Forever Green Initiative, an UMN Extensio
Constance Carlson
Constance Carlson works as the Market Opportunity Development Specialist for the Forever Green Initiative, an UMN Extension position that is supported through the Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships. Her work for FGI is to support and facilitate on-going market development for the range of crops within the FGI portfolio. She is working closely with UMN researchers breeding and testing new crops to build connections and market opportunities for growers, processors and businesses seeking to incorporate FGI innovations. Her work is funded by the Walton Family Foundation. Carlson comes to the Forever Green Initiative with more than twenty years of professional experience in product development, media relations, strategic sales, marketing and communications. She also serves as the President of the Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota and lives in Buffalo, Minnesota with her family.
How to Register.
Registration for this event is free of charge, and open to the public. Please click the button below to register for this event.
Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed during the series are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of the Northern Crops Institute and its employees.
General Information.
Northern Crops Institute
NDSU Dept. 7400
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050 USA
Phone: 701-231-7736
Email: nci@ndsu.edu
Website: www.northern-crops.com
About the Northern Crops Institute.
Northern Crops Institute is an international center for meeting and learning about crops produced in the four-state region of Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Situated on the campus of North Dakota State University, Northern Crops Institute exists as a forum to bring together customers, commodity traders, technical experts, processors and producers from all points of the globe for discussion, education and technical service programs. Since 1983, the Institute has hosted visitors from more than 135 countries.
North Dakota State University is an Equal Opportunity Institution. This publication will be made available in alternative formats upon request (701-231-7736).