Factors to Consider When Incorporating Distiller's Co-Products in Dairy and Beef Cattle Diets with Isaac Salfer
About the Webinar.
Please join us Wednesday, August 23rd at 9:00am (CDT) for our "Future of Feeding" webinar series! This webinar series focuses on using innovation in the processing of animal food, the equipment being used (existing and newly developed), as well as using grains from our region for co-products. A new speaker will be featured each month.
This month will feature Isaac Salfer, Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota. Join us as Isaac presents on Factors to Consider When Incorporating Distiller's Co-Products in Dairy and Beef Cattle Diets. A few highlights from his presentation include:
Distillers Co-products are a commonly fed feed ingredient for beef and dairy cattle in the upper Midwest because of their price competitiveness as a protein and energy source
Compared to many other feed ingredients, distiller's co-products are highly variable in nutrient composition due to differences in processing
Differences in nutrient composition can affect the value obtained from including these products within the diet
So, mark your calendars! You won’t want to miss this webinar!
About the Speaker.
Isaac Salfer | University of Minnesota
Dr. Isaac Salfer is an Assistant Professor of Dairy Nutritional Physiology at the University of Minnesota. His research focuses on improving feed efficiency and environmental sustainability of dairy cows through understanding of relationships between circadian rhythms and metabolism and understanding dynamics of nitrogen and energy metabolism within the rumen. Isaac grew up in central Minnesota where he owned his own small herd of registered Brown Swiss cattle and was highly active in 4-H and FFA. After attending the University of Minnesota for his Bachelor's and Master's degree, he completed a Ph.D. at Penn State University.
How to Register.
Registration for this event is free of charge and open to the public. Please click the button below to register for this event.
Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed during the series are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of the Northern Crops Institute and its employees.
General Information.
Northern Crops Institute
NDSU Dept. 7400
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050 USA
Phone: 701-231-7736
Email: nci@ndsu.edu
Website: www.northern-crops.com
About the Northern Crops Institute.
Northern Crops Institute is an international center for meeting and learning about crops produced in the four-state region of Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Situated on the campus of North Dakota State University, Northern Crops Institute exists as a forum to bring together customers, commodity traders, technical experts, processors and producers from all points of the globe for discussion, education and technical service programs. Since 1983, the Institute has hosted visitors from more than 135 countries.
North Dakota State University is an Equal Opportunity Institution. This publication will be made available in alternative formats upon request (701-231-7736).