NCI Market Update Webinar Series: Weather Edition | Featuring Daryl Ritchison
Daryl Ritchison, Director of North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN).
The Northern Crops Institute (NCI) kicked off the New Year with a Market Update: Special Edition webinar this past week. This episode was a special Weather Edition featuring Daryl Ritchison, the Director of North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN).
During the webinar, Daryl discussed various topics, including the impacts that the La Nina is having on South America and North America. Daryl pointed out that these impacts are contributed to the ocean. Daryl said, “What happens in the ocean really impacts what happens around the globe.”
South America’s current weather conditions will have an impact on their soybean season. Daryl told viewers that the southern part of Brazil and most of Argentina are dry. The northern areas of Brazil seem to be getting enough moisture, unlike the southern parts of Brazil that haven’t received much rain. On the other hand, Argentina seems to have some very dry weather conditions. That doesn’t mean that this won’t change. All it takes is a good storm in January to help turn the season around. Daryl did say that the dry weather seems to be the “status quo” for South America for the next 90 days. January will be a critical month for South America to see how much moisture they will get. Daryl stressed that the 3rd year of a La Nina is very unlikely.
The North American weather forecast looks a little different. The amount of moisture that we have already experienced this winter, has pushed our region off to a good start for soil moisture. In other areas like Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa (the “I” states) will remain more on the dry side. In December, Kansas and Nebraska had horrific wind storms with gusts up to 100 mph. These storms left only a third of the winter wheat crop in great condition. Based on Daryl’s Analogs, this area has been dry and will remain that way. Daryl also stressed that the “I” states will also be dry due to the trend of decreasing rainfall. This year, we can look forward to a La Nada or neutral weather conditions.
These market updates were created to engage with past and present course participants and offer market insight to those professionals. By providing this pertinent information on various topics, NCI has fostered growth and learning worldwide. NCI greatly appreciates contributions from speakers like Daryl Ritchison during these Market Update webinars.
Click below to watch the recording.