NCI Team Travels West
Last week, the Northern Crops Institute office was a little on the quiet side as eight of our team members hit the road to travel around Montana. During our road trip, we had the opportunity to take stops and tour local businesses including breweries, farms, mills, and more. Since Montana is part of our four state region, NCI was excited to grow our relationships and learn more about the land and crops grown in Montana.
Greg Kessel, Owner of Arrow K Farms
Our eight team members left the NCI office on Sunday and headed straight to Greg Kessel’s farm in Belfield, ND. With a warm welcome from the hosts, our team was able to take photos and videos while learning all about the family run farm and their history. After we said our goodbyes to the Kessel family, our team had the opportunity to experience the Medora Musical. The beautiful view and the warm summer air was perfect as they got the time to relax and enjoy each other's company. With high spirits, they made their way to Glendive to spend the evening before they dove into the next day.
On day two, the team split into groups to explore two different facilities. Half of the group made their way to Sidney, MT to visit Meadowlark Brewing to take a tour of the location and learn about their passion for making the best quality beer. At the same time, the other group of four made the trip to INDHemp in Fort Benton, MT. The group toured the facility where they gathered video footage and learned about the variety of benefits Hemp has to offer. At the end of the day, the group came together to enjoy some pizza and conversation at Mighty Mo Brewing Co in Great Falls, MT.
Day three was the group's last full day in Great Falls, where they split up again to cover more ground. The first group started out their day by visiting Montana Milling. They toured the facility and got to see their milling process up close. Afterwards, they were also able to take a trip out to Mike O’Hara’s farm in Fort Benton, MT. The group was able to check out the different crops and enjoy conversation at the O’Hara family home.
Nick Sinner (Left) and Randy Gilbertson (Right) discussing the history of Pasta Montana
The second group spent their afternoon visiting Pasta Montana in Great Falls, MT. Here, they got to see the pasta process from start to finish, and also learned about the unique history of the company. After an eventful tour at Pasta Montana, the group made their way over to Montana’s Grain Grading Lab, also located in Great Falls. While there, they learned about the process of grading different grains and crops. Their staff went over the nitty-gritty details of each step with our NCI team members, which offered a unique experience.
Before making a stop for dinner at the Celtic Cowboy, the group was able to see some of the beautiful scenery that Great Falls had to offer. The team started by visiting the Giant Springs State Park. The beautiful clear water and peaceful atmosphere helped the group to unwind from the day. Some of the group members also hiked the River’s Edge Trail, which provided a nice break to experience the beauty of Montana.
Day four of the trip was spent in Bozeman, MT where the group explored Montana State University. Throughout the day, the group spent time on campus learning from different leaders and groups at MSU. Our team wanted to thank the many staff and faculty that took the time out of their day to show us around and share with us their passion. The team spent the evening going over the highlights of their day, one of which was the great food they got at the MSU dining hall.
One the last day of the trip, the team woke up in Miles City, MT where they began their drive back to Fargo, ND. By that afternoon, they made it back to NCI safe and sound. We want to give a big thank you to everyone involved in our Montana trip. Our team had so many incredible experiences thanks to those who took time out of their schedules to host tours and share their passions with us. Our Montana trip was an experience of a lifetime, and we can’t wait to see what next summer brings!
Below are some of the picture that different team members took on this beautiful trip across Montana.