NCI Video Production | December Update
There’s one word that can sum up the role of the Northern Crops Institute (NCI) video team since the last update: busy. Read on for a summary of the video work since the last blog post in mid-November. This post will cover late November, December thus far, and a look ahead rounding out 2021 video production
Where We Left Off:
Last month in the November update, the month started off quietly in the video area. The later half of that month was full of celebration, and what better way to sustain these memories than creating a video of the events?
The first event took place on November 18th to celebrate NCI’s 40th anniversary. Approximately 150 people attended the celebration, and a short program was held featuring speakers who have played a key role in the development of the NCI.
The NCI communications team captured the scene at the 40th Anniversary celebration.
Read about the 40th celebration and watch a short video summary here:
The second event was back-to-back with the first. On November 19th, the NCI held its quarterly NCC board meeting in the morning and attended the ground-breaking ceremony for the Peltier Complex, the new building which will be the home of NCI’s new headquarters when completed.
NCI Director Mark Jirik presents his speech at the Groundbreaking ceremony for the new Peltier Complex, which will house the NCI when completed.
Read about the Groundbreaking ceremony and watch a short video summary here:
Prairie Grains Conference:
The NCI video team was able to lend a hand at the 2021 Prairie Grains Conference in Grand Forks, ND. The annual conference took place at the Alerus Center on December 8th and 9th. NCI was also a Platinum sponsor of the event.
Two members of the communications team made the commute up north with the video equipment. They stayed busy all day, recording presentations and speakers. By night, they made sure the cameras were all recharged and all recordings correctly saved.
The next step is creating professional-grade finalized videos from the footage. That is the current project keeping the third member of the communications team busy. Each presenter’s PowerPoint and recording of their lecture must be merged into one video with proper introduction graphics and high-resolution images.
The rate of production thus far is approximately 2.5 videos per day! This is an impressive number when working with 20+ minute videos. That rate is projected to only go up as the previously completed videos become a “template” for the remaining ones.
Be sure to tune in next month to the Video Update blog post to find out how the Prairie Grains Conference video projects all turned out!
Miscellaneous and What Comes Next:
Planning for the 2022 calendar year of NCI courses is already well underway. With each course comes the need for promotional videos to share the message with future participants.
Two of the short promotional videos were completed already this month. The NCI video crew does an amazing job working ahead, so the videos can premiere on time and avoid looking rushed as last-minute projects.
For more information on courses or to check out the upcoming course schedule, visit
Lastly, this month the video crew squeezed in an extra video right from the NCI building. As NCI’s Tech team was busy making tofu, the communications team was right there with them recording the process.
A tofu-making process video was created and used to play on loop at the trade shows NCI attends. In the future, this video will be expanded to a voiced-over version with NCI’s tofu expert explaining each step. Take a look below at the tofu process video, but stay on the lookout for the debut of the enhanced version coming soon!
Be sure to follow NCI on social media to see all of the published videos as soon as they come out. For any additional information about the Northern Crops Institute, please visit
VIDEO PREVIEW: Check out a short video of the process of making tofu. This video was filmed right in our very own NCI building in one of our labs!