Baking Laboratory
One of many Hobart Dough Mixers at NCI.
The NCI Baking Laboratory is integral to our technical services, providing a food-safe environment for advanced product development, product quality testing, and specialized training. Our lab supports a wide range of baked goods, including pan breads, tortillas, buns, artisan breads, cookies, cakes, and more. The lab is equipped with industry-standard tools such as Hobart mixers, sheeter/moulders, proof cabinets, rotating ovens, deck ovens with steam, a deep fryer, and a blast freezer. Our highly-skilled technical staff bring extensive expertise and work closely with clients to support the development of innovative products. With a deep understanding of ingredient functionality and process optimization, they are equipped to assist in every stage of product development. The lab’s capabilities, combined with our team’s technical proficiency, ensure a thorough and collaborative approach to meeting your specific needs.
Baking Equipment:
• Hobart Dough Mixers – small to large bakery size
Frymaster Deep Fryer
• Hobart Fermentation cabinets
• Moline Sheeter/Moulder
• Rondo Dough Sheeter – for laminated and sheeted doughs
• Hobart Double Deck Ovens – with steam
• Baxter Revolving Dough Baking Oven – convection and steam injection
• Bread Loaf Slicer
• Delfield ConvoChill Blast Freezer
• ProProcess DoughPro Tortilla Press
• Frymaster Fryer
Product Analysis Equipment:
• Calibre C-Cell: Baked Product Imaging System
• Texture Systems TA-XT2 Texture Analyzer
• Minolta Colorimeter identifies color scores for baked goods
• Texture Technologies Volscan Profiler 600 for Loaf Volume