Grain Processing Room
Milling Equipment
Fitzpatrick Hammer Mill — a variable speed hammer mill used to grind an extensive diversity of grains, pulses, and oilseeds. The Fitzmill employs a variable speed hammer mill to pulverize commodities and force milled components through selected screens. Commodities can be cooled in the hammer mill chamber with liquid nitrogen and can cool the hammer mill housing with a water jacket to minimize heat damage to milled materials. NCI has milled all classes of wheat, corn, peas, lentils, dry beans, barley, oilseeds, and other agricultural products. The Fitzmill is a one pass whole grain mill that is quite flexible in producing meals and flours from a remarkably wide range of commodities.
Barley Pearler — used to dehull a wide variety of cereal grains, including barley, oats, ancient grains, and other products.
Benchtop Flour Grading — NCI has a variety of options to sieve different flours and test particle size distribution.
Grain Cleaning — NCI has a Carter-Day Dockage tester to clean and grade numerous small grain crops.
Benchtop Milling Equipment
Laboratory hammer mill
Cyclone Sample mill
Grain Grading Equipment
Boerner Divider
Grain Analysis Computer
Test Weight Equipment