Future of Feeds - Fermented Phytochemicals as Natural Antimicrobials in Feeds with Dr. Kalidas Shetty

Enjoy watching the Future of Feeding webinar from Wednesday, January 26th, 2022! Join us as we hear from Dr. Kalidas Shetty, professor at North Dakota State University, as he talks about:

  • The prevalence of food borne pathogens in farm processed meat and poultry products.

  • Targeting of natural phytochemical-based antimicrobial feeds to counter food borne pathogens as a safe and cost-effective alternative to synthetic antibiotics.

  • Integrating and synergizing natural antimicrobials from phenolic enriched plant food sources (like colored corn and other compatible grains and byproducts) and recruiting LAB based fermentation to further enhance antimicrobial properties and design high-value animal feeds.

  • And more!

Northern Crops Institute