Barley Malt Quality Evaluation Short Course

Nine maltsters and brewers from Canada and U.S. are attending the Barley Malt Quality Evaluation Short Course at Northern Crops Institute (NCI) August 14-17. Paul Schwarz, Ph.D., NDSU professor of plant sciences, is coordinating and lecturing in the course. During the course, discussion will focus on the quality components of barley and malt necessary to produce an acceptable beer. Course topics include U.S. barley production and variety development, barley quality evaluation, barley malt production technology, biochemistry and analysis, specialty malts and extracts, biotechnology update on barley, barley breeding/gene mapping, germplasm enhancement, world barley malt supply and demand, food safety issues in malting, and they will hear a brewer’s prospective on malt. The group also will tour the NDSU Greenhouse and Barley Field Plots, Busch Agricultural Resources Malt House, and the NDSU Malt Analysis Laboratory.

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