NCI Helps Host Regional Trade School
NCI Director, Mark Jirik, speaking to trade school participants.
The Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council, North Dakota Corn Utilization Council, U.S. Grains Council, National Corn Growers Association, and Northern Crops Institute hosted a regional trade school event for growers, farmers, and stakeholders in Alexandria, MN on March 16th. This one-day, free event was held to provide participants with an in-depth look at trade and hopefully leave everyone feeling more knowledgeable and empowered about the different topics discussed. Throughout the day, participants listened to lectures from industry professionals and also collaborated with each other to discuss thoughts and questions.
Topics discussed during the trade school included; benefits of trade for U.S. grains, case studies of trade, feed milling study on U.S. corn, and hot topics such as fertilizer costs and the Ukraine situation. A farmer panel was also held where panelists discussed market development and trade policy. The farmer panel included; DJ VanKlompenburg, Chad Willis, Terry Wehlander, and Justin Quandt.
The goal of this trade school was to provide information for participants to become trade educated news consumers. Trade impacts every farmer and many participants stated they attended this trade school because current events are impacting them locally and they wanted to become better educated on what was happening. Participants at the end of the day shared their goals for continuing the conversation around trade such as engaging in conversations on social media, sharing this information with their colleagues, and attending similar schools and webinars offered.
Speakers for the trade school included; Melissa Kessler - U.S. Grains Council, Angus Kelly - NCGA, and Mark Jirik - NCI.
Overall, participants were happy they attended this trade school and stressed how important it is to take time to keep up with current events. Trade schools like this encourage collaboration between people you may have never met before and it’s important to hear other’s opinions and stories. We encourage anyone thinking about trade or other educational schools to attend.