NCI Market Update Webinar Series: Weather Edition | Featuring Daryl Ritchison
The Northern Crops Institute (NCI) held its recent installment in the Market Update on October 6, 2021. This episode was a special Weather Edition featuring Daryl Ritchison, the Director of North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN).
Daryl Ritchison, Director of NDAWN
During the webinar, Daryl discussed various topics, including the La Nina and its impacts on the United States and South America, the North Atlantic Oscillation and its effects on Europe, and new averages.
Daryl went into depth to discuss the current state of La Nina. The La Nina is one of the most significant factors when discussing weather influences for North and South America. It isn't the only factor, but it is one of the main influences of the weather and the patterns around the globe. Daryl showed great visuals to demonstrate how quickly we are seeing the La Nina reform. As this will be the second year of the La Nina, Darly made sure to point out that last year's La Nina was moderate, yet it seems to be coming back at a rapid pace this year. Daryl discussed average weather patterns that tend to go hand in hand with the La Nina and gave viewers insight into what this winter might have in store.
The North Atlantic Oscillation is a significant influence on European weather and is challenging to forecast. The pattern between last year's weather and this year's weather seems to look similar. He mentioned what the weather predictions might look like, and the pattern seems like a neutral one. The southern areas tend to get more rain, while the northern regions tend to be more dry and cold. Daryl gave great visuals to help viewers understand the differences between last year's and this year's predictions. He also went into depth on how some things aren't always as they seem. Many factors can play a part in weather patterns, but ocean temperatures tend to have the most significant influence. Once again, Daryl gave exciting insight as to what we can predict in the future.
These market updates were created to engage with past and present course participants and offer market insight to those professionals. By providing this pertinent information on various topics, NCI has fostered growth and learning worldwide. NCI greatly appreciates contributions from speakers like Daryl Ritchison during these Market Update webinars.
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