NCI Video Production | January Update
It’s a new year, but one thing that always remains the same is the need for video work at the Northern Crops Institute. From where the blog left off mid-December last year, the video production crew has been busy, busy, busy. By the short glimpse into 2022 thus far, it appears this year will be just as busy as well–if not even more.
Where We Left Off:
A look back on a previous shoot from 2021.
The last blog of 2021 was published halfway through December. Coming off a massive video workload mid-December with the Prairie Grains Conference (16 long videos!), the latter half of the month appeared lighter in video production.
Rounding out the video work of 2021 included more promo videos for upcoming courses, and a special holiday greeting from the NCI staff. Be sure to follow NCI on social media to take a look at it.
The winter months in the northern region are prime time for conferences and trade shows. NCI was well-represented at one of the most recent, the ND Grain Dealers Convention and Industry Show. So how does this relate to video production? Who do you think created the informational videos to run on loop on the iPad all day? You guessed it, the NCI communications team. In this digital age, there’s a need for a video for just about everything.
Scroll to the bottom to watch the compilation used for the NDGDA show. It is a four-part video-in-one describing NCI, a review of NCI from the 40th anniversary, and promotion for parts 1 and 2 of the upcoming Emerging Grain Leaders courses.
A New Year with New Courses:
As previously mentioned, the 2022 course schedule has been a work in progress for months already. The video team got a head start creating a few of the 2022 course promo videos last month, but this month they added another two to the mix. There will surely be more to follow.
To check out the list of upcoming courses, visit
An archive list of previous years’ courses can also be found by following the link above.
One aspect NCI is bringing into the new year is the online accessibility of courses. Just like last year, this means more video work is required. The first course introduction video was recently filmed for the online course “Healthy Solutions for Food Barley Uses.”
A previously filmed video from Arrow K Farms of Belfield, ND, will be put to use in the upcoming Healthy Solutions for Food Barley Uses 2022 course.
This course will feature the brand new introduction video with NCI Director Mark Jirik, as well as some previously recorded and edited videos done by the communications team, such as an interview-style video on Arrow K Farms in Belfield, ND, and a tour of Montana Milling in Great Falls, MT. Both of these two videos were created back in July/August of 2021 by the communications team following the western ND and MT video tour last summer.
Miscellaneous and What Comes Next:
The winter schedule is booking up fast. The team has a few shoots already on the calendar working with nearby industry partners in the Fargo/Grand Forks area. And, as always, there are bound to be many more video opportunities that pop up naturally every month.
Over the past few months, the communications team has been rehomed to the newly renovated office space on the third floor of the NCI building. The team continues to customize the space for bigger and better video opportunities.
There is a video production room still in the renovation process connected right along the comm offices. Plans include soundproofing for ideal audio capturing as well as a green screen and complete light setup. Large projects like this always take time, but the NCI team is excited to chip away on prepping the new media room throughout this new year.
NCI is excited to see what else this year will bring, and, without a doubt, video production will still play a key role in 2022.
To keep up-to-date with NCI this year, visit
VIDEO PREVIEW: Check out an example of a trade show compilation video that promotes the NCI and some of its upcoming educational courses!