NCI Future of Feeding Webinar: U.S. Soy-Optimized Aquaculture Feed
Lukas Manomaitis, Aquaculture Program Technical Contractor with USSEC
Each month, NCI holds a new update in the Future of Feeding webinar series, which focuses on using innovation in the processing of animal food, the equipment being used, as well as using grains from our region for co-products.
This month's webinar, titled U.S. Soy-Optimized Aquaculture Feed: The Pathway to Sustainable Productivity, featured Lukas Manomaitis. Lukas is the Aquaculture Program Technical Contractor with the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC), which is the non-profit marketing organization that focuses on the use of U.S. Soy. Lukas has been in the industry for over 25 years, and resides in Southeast Asia, as that’s where the largest aquaculture market is currently located.
This hour-long webinar focused on many topics including aquaculture, soy, feed, and sustainability. Key points revolving around aquaculture included it’s history, ingredients in diet, systems for production, feeding approaches, how the views on aquaculture are changing, and future thoughts for the industry. Manomaitis gave great insight on the importance of soy in aquaculture, and how this fast changing industry and market continues to grow. The live Q&A session allowed for great questions and discussion as Lukas shared his professional opinion and knowledge.
Aquaculture cage site
Northern Crops Institute greatly appreciates Lukas’s involvement and input in our webinar. At NCI, we continue to work towards fulfilling our mission to support regional agriculture and value-added processing by conducting educational and technical programs that expand and maintain domestic and international markets for northern grown crops. All of this wouldn’t be possible without the innovative ideas of guest speakers like Lukas Manomaitis.
For access to the slides from this presentation or for more information, please contact Krista Jansen at
For more information about future webinars offered at NCI, click here.
View the webinar right below.