NCI | Soy Milk and Tofu Processing Programs
Soy milk and Tofu Processing
Recently, NCI held two new online educational programs in collaboration with U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC), for new and current soy foods processors in India. The first course, Soymilk and Tofu Processing, and Value Addition – New to Soy Foods was conducted from May 10 through 14, and the second course, Soymilk and Tofu Processing, and Value Addition – Current Soy Foods Processors was conducted from May 17 through 21.
The participants from this course gathered online to hear from experts about soy milk and tofu. Innovative leaders offered their comments and insight to focus participants on different uses of soy-based foods. Some of these leaders included Will McNair who is the Director of Oil and Human Protein at USSEC. He and his team worked hand in hand with NCI, and Program Manager Brian Sorenson, to create programs like this and to develop more programs in the future. When asked about the focus of this series, Brian Sorenson said:
“These two courses were a great opportunity to help grow export markets for U.S. identity preserved soybeans. India has excellent potential for growth in soy foods, and I am impressed by the interest from the tofu and soymilk manufacturers that attended, and their desire to learn how to improve process efficiencies, final product quality and extend shelf-life. This was NCI’s first program for soy foods in India and it was great to work with Dr. Ratan Sharma and Dr. Suresh Itapu from USSEC’s South Asia Team to make for two very successful programs.”
Soybeans, Soy milk, and Tofu
Another leader in the industry that offered insight was Raquel Hanson, who is on the Board of Directors for the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA), and was one of the featured speakers during the series. When asked to give some insight about what she taught, Raquel said:
“My focus was primarily on the benefits and savings that can be recognized by purchasing Identity Preserved grains and seeds. By having a consistent raw material, a food manufacturer can achieve greater efficiencies in production along with a more consistent flavor and texture profile in the finished product. In addition, you have greater traceability to the farm, along with higher quality ingredients being used in production.”
The Northern Crops Institute is thankful for the great insight and leaders that came to contribute to this series and to contribute to NCI’s mission.
For more information about courses pertaining to this series and other upcoming courses click here.